There's loads happening for families on Sundays at St James' Church!
Seekers – Sunday Mornings during the 10.45 service (except for all age services and Summer holidays)
Seekers takes place in the Lansdown Room from 10.45am. The children at Seekers explore Bible stories through games, activities, discussion and crafts - with lots of fun along the way as they discover Jesus's love for each of them.
Family Fellowship - 4.30pm Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
An opportunity for people of all ages to sing favourite songs and hymns (and learn some new ones), reflect o the Scriptures, to share testimonies and to pray together.
(term time only)

Family area: There is also a carpeted area in the Church with toys, books and a simple activity related to the theme of the service for babies and younger toddlers to enjoy, whilst supervised by a parent or carer.
Our Church building is an amazing place for small children to explore - and it's absolutely fine for them to have a wander about during the service!
We also have baby changing facilities and always seek to cater for the needs of children with special needs including having sensory bags, visual timetable and ear defenders available.