"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20
Please note during technical issues we were unable to record the first part of this service.
You can watch the safeguarding video we were unable to play on Sunday 19th January here https://youtu.be/evmBaQCyL08
Indicates services that are livestreamed. We believe there is no better place to be than church on Sunday and no substitute for experiencing the gospel enacted among us in worship each week. However, for those who are sick or housebound, we stream our services on YouTube each week which you can view here.
Sunday 2nd February
8.00am: Holy Communion (BCP) | 10.45am: Sunday Worship | 4.30pm Adult Sunday School
Friday 7th February
10:30am: Holy Communion (preceded by MU Wave of Prayer at 10.00am
​Sunday 9th February
10.45am: Sunday Worship (HC) | 4.30pm: Family Fellowship
​Sunday 16th February
10.45am: Sunday Worship | 4.30pm: Adult Sunday School
Friday 21st February
10:30am: Morning Prayer
Sunday 26th January
10.45am: Sunday Worship (HC) | 4.30pm: Family Fellowship​​​
Our usual Sunday pattern is (but check the information above for any variations):
8.00am - BCP Communion service (1st Sunday of the month)
10.45am - Sunday Worship with group teaching for children aged 4+
4.30pm - Adult Sunday School (1st and 3rd Sunday)
4.30pm - Family Fellowship (2nd and 4th Sunday)
We also have a quiet said Communion service at 10.30am on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month.
As the civic church of Trowbridge, we have the privilege of hosting major events in the town. These events include the annual Remembrance Sunday service and the Civic Service at which we celebrate and pray for local charities.