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Harvest Donations

Thank you to everyone who brought gifts to our Harvest Service on Sunday 6th October. All these donations were taken to Trowbridge Storehouse Foodbank to be distributed to people in need.

We received the message below from Ann Cook who co-ordinated the collection.

I wanted to say a big thank you for the very generous donations that were made for the Storehouse Foodbank last Sunday. We had one large and one smaller supermarket trolley overflowing with tins, packets and jars. Jill Neighbour, the manager of the foodbank, was thrilled when she saw the amount and variety of donations. Ann Cook

Storehouse Foodbank is a project that aims to support families, couples, and individuals in short-term need of food and toiletries. Based in Trowbridge, this service began in 2006 in response to a growing need within our community. Since then, we have developed good working relationships with a range of local agencies and services to support the wider community. Find out more about the Foodbank and the great work they do on their website or follow them on Facebook

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