A huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Coffee, Cake and Carwash event and helped raise funds for our wonderful Youth Fellowship group last Saturday 29th June. It was a fabulous event and a great example of what a wonderful supportive church family we have at St James'.
We were blown away by the generosity of so many people who offered help on the day, brought cars to be washed, donated cakes, raffle prizes, paintings, puzzles, crafts, guitars and their time.
We were blessed with perfect car washing conditions and all our young people worked incredibly hard cleaning over 30 cars. They also had fun when the inevitable water fight broke out at the end of the event!!
A staggering £1170.96 was raised which far exceeded our expectations. This money will help fund activities such as paddleboarding and iceskating as well as helping with the costs of running the fortnightly group providing food and drinks for our young members. Due to the large amount raised we also feel it would be appropriate to donate 10% to our chosen charity Wiltshire Youth for Christ who support young people in this area.
Our Youth Fellowship takes place once a fortnight on Friday night 7 - 9pm in the church hall during term time. If you know of any young people aged 12 to 18 who may like to join please direct them to our website page https://www.stjamestrowbridge.co.uk/youth-fellowship-youth-group
Thank you once again from the YF Team Leaders; Nicola, Janey, Sheona, Chris and Clair