Early Years
St James' Tots. Wednesdays (term time only) 10 - 11.30 in the church hall.
St James' Tots is a safe and welcoming space where children, parents and carers can meet together to play and chat. The morning consists of free play, snack time, and then a bible story and some singing to end the session. Hot drinks will be available throughout the morning, for adults. The voluntary contribution for the session is £2. We'd love to see you there!

Who Let the Dads Out
Who Let the Dads out is a new group starting in January 2025 for children and the men in their lives. So that includes Dads, Grandads, Uncles and Godparents. Join us in the church hall (next to the car park), on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9.30 - 11am. Cost is a voluntary contribution of £2.